Consumer Electronics Show shifts focus toward regulation and techlash

10 January 2019 00:00

Duration: 12:42

As nearly 200,000 entrepreneurs, software coders, sales people and journalists converged on Las Vegas this week for the world’s largest technology show – CES – there was broad acceptance that in the wake of the data protection scandals of the past year such as Cambridge Analytica, the tech industry is facing a “techlash,” with a growing sense of distrust and skepticism from the public and regulators. While US regulators were absent from this year’s CES because of the federal government shutdown, it was abundantly clear that there has been a sea change since CES 2018, with privacy issues taking center stage. The tech industry is “currently in a privacy perfect storm,” said Michael Petricone, the head of regulatory affairs for the Consumer Technology Association, which puts on the CES show.

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