Data Privacy & Security Data Privacy & Security

US states considering nearly two-dozen proposals to regulate election 'deepfakes'

At least 20 US states are proposing bills this year aimed at regulating artificial intelligence "deepfakes" in campaign communications in advance of upcoming elections. And the potential penalties for violators could be stiff under the proposals, including criminal charges. 
Meanwhile, similar efforts to regulate deepfakes at the federal level have

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Amy Miller

Senior Correspondent

Amy is responsible for the coverage of an array of regulatory and litigation issues pertaining to the Internet, including privacy, data security and antitrust. Formerly a legal reporter for the ALM media group, Miller has closely followed legal trends in Silicon Valley and covered corporate legal departments for online and print publications including The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel, and The Recorder. Miller is a graduate of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and is an award-winning journalist with expertise ranging from education and legal reporting to computer-assisted reporting.

Madeline Hughes


Madeline is a data privacy and security reporter based in Washington, DC. She got her start in journalism in local news, covering anything and everything in Maryland, Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts before coming to DC to report on tech.

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