Trade Trade

US Commerce must explain decision to exclude certain data from dumping duties on solar cells from Taiwan, trade court rules

By Laina Miller
  • 19 Dec 2022 22:07
  • 19 Dec 2022 22:46
The US Court of International Trade has ordered the Commerce Department to explain its decision to exclude certain sales of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells (CSPV) by Inventec Solar Energy Corp. from antidumping rates calculated in the fifth administrative review for CSPV from Taiwan.
The trade court ruled today that Commerce

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Laina Miller


Laina covers U.S. trade and financial regulation for MLex in Washington DC. She received her Master of Journalism degree from the University of Maryland and has a Master of Arts in Historical Studies from University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She wrote for Capital News Service, run by UMD, and for Mitzpeh, the school’s independent Jewish newspaper.

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