Data Privacy & Security Data Privacy & Security

Tesla settles Illinois biometric privacy suit over Autopilot driver-monitoring cameras

By Jenn Brice
  • 24 Jan 2024 20:52
  • 24 Jan 2024 20:52
Tesla has resolved litigation alleging vehicle cabin cameras violated the biometric privacy of drivers by collecting face scans with its Autopilot driver-assist technology, the parties told an Illinois judge today.
Tesla was sued in March 2022 for allegedly illegally collecting and retaining facial scans of drivers. The case accused the

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Jenn Brice


Jenn is a data privacy and security reporter based in San Francisco. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Virginia. Before joining MLex, she edited UVA’s independent student newspaper and interned at Morning Brew, where she contributed to emerging tech and marketing newsletters.

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