Data Privacy & Security Data Privacy & Security

Meta's behavioral ads dispute in Norway escalates with $100,000 daily fine imposed from Monday

By Nicholas Wallace
  • 08 Aug 2023 14:50
  • 08 Aug 2023 14:59
Meta Platforms will be fined the equivalent of $100,000 a day from next Monday unless it suspends behavioral advertising on its Facebook and Instagram services, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority said today (see here).
On July 14, The regulator issued a temporary ban on behavioral advertising by Meta, effective from

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Nicholas Wallace


Nicholas Wallace has covered data privacy and security for MLex in Brussels since November 2021. Prior to joining MLex, he worked as a freelance reporter for Science Magazine, Science|Business, and International News Services, an agency serving trade publications worldwide. He holds a masters degree in public policy, jointly awarded by the Central European University in Budapest and the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, and a bachelors degree in politics from Liverpool John Moores University.

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