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Google, Meta present DMA compliance plans for data advertising obligations in EU workshop

Google and Meta outlined their plans to comply with obligations from the Digital Markets Act to provide advertising data to rivals in a workshop organized yesterday by the European Commission, MLex has learned.
Plans from gatekeepers to introduce a “consent or pay” offer to comply with a DMA obligation on

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Tono Gil

Regulatory Reporter

Tono is a competition reporter for MLex in Brussels. Prior to joining MLex, he worked as a trainee in the European Parliament and as a correspondent in Valencia and Buenos Aires for the Spanish news agency EFE. Tono holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Valencia and a master in Transmedia Journalism.

Nicholas Hirst

Chief Correspondent

Nicholas covers EU merger review and antitrust investigations for Mlex in Brussels. He previously wrote about EU affairs for Politico Europe, European Voice and PaRR. After earning an LLM in European law from the College of Europe in Bruges, he spent a year working in the competition practice of a leading competition law firm in Brussels 2009-10. He graduated in modern European languages from Oxford University in 2006.

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