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Google hit with $113 million penalty in India over Play Store policies, days after Android fine

By Freny Patel
  • 25 Oct 2022 23:47
  • 25 Oct 2022 23:47
Google has been fined 9.36 billion rupee ($113 million) in India for abusing its dominant position through its Play Store policies, with the Indian antitrust watchdog ordering the US tech giant to open its Android Market to external methods of payment.
In a 199-page order released late on Tuesday, the

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Freny Patel


Freny has been covering antitrust law, M&A and regulations for over a decade, serving as Asia editor at Policy and Regulatory Report. Prior to joining as an editor at Mergermarket, she headed the banking bureau of a leading Indian financial daily, Business Standard. When India privatized the insurance sector, she had her own column in The Observer.

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