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Facebook, Twitter in hot seat amid simmering political unrest in Thailand

By Jet Damazo-Santos
  • 25 Sep 2020 03:50
  • 25 Sep 2020 03:50
The escalating political unrest in Thailand could prove costly for Facebook and Twitter, as the social media giants resist increased government efforts to clamp down on critical content online.
The Ministry of Digital Economy and Society reported the two US companies to the Thai police’s cybercrime division yesterday for failing

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Jet Damazo-Santos

Correspondent, Jakarta

Jet Damazo-Santos has been covering antitrust, data protection and other compliance issues in key jurisdictions in Southeast Asia for MLex full time since 2018. She has almost two decades of journalism experience in the Philippines and Indonesia, where she was the associate editor for the Jakarta Globe and the Jakarta bureau chief for Rappler Indonesia prior to joining MLex. She holds a master's degree in Applied Business Economics from the University of Asia and the Pacific.

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