Technology Technology

EU AI startups may get EUR3 billion of public funding in new strategy

European artificial-intelligence startups could soon benefit from up to 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion) in public funding under a new EU policy to bolster its AI industry, according to a draft policy paper seen by MLex.
In a draft document, which may be released as soon as next week, the

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Matthew Newman

Chief Correspondent

Matthew Newman is a chief correspondent for MLex and writes about data protection, privacy, telecoms, cyber security and artificial intelligence. Matthew began his journalism career in 1991 in community newspapers. He worked as a reporter in Riga, Latvia in 1993 and then moved to Chicago where he covered local news. In 1995, he became a personal finance reporter for Dow Jones Newswires, and was then transferred to Brussels in 1999. He specialized in EU regulatory affairs, including trade and telecom issues. He began covering competition for Bloomberg News as an EU court reporter in 2004. In 2010, he was named spokesman for Viviane Reding, the EU’s justice commissioner. In January 2012, he helped launch the commission’s proposal to overall data protection rules.

Tono Gil

Regulatory Reporter

Tono is a competition reporter for MLex in Brussels. Prior to joining MLex, he worked as a trainee in the European Parliament and as a correspondent in Valencia and Buenos Aires for the Spanish news agency EFE. Tono holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Valencia and a master in Transmedia Journalism.

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