Data Privacy & Security Data Privacy & Security

Enigma Software's false-advertising claims against Malwarebytes revived by US appeals court

By Jenn Brice
  • 02 Jun 2023 23:29
  • 02 Jun 2023 23:29
Enigma Software Group can bring false-advertising claims against Malwarebytes, a US federal appeals court ruled today.
US District Judge Edward Davila in August 2021 dismissed Enigma’s claim, which argued Malwarebytes unlawfully classified Enigma products as a "potentially unwanted program" subject to quarantine. 

Enigma first sued Malwarebytes in 2016, claiming Malwarebytes

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Jenn Brice


Jenn is a data privacy and security reporter based in San Francisco. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Virginia. Before joining MLex, she edited UVA’s independent student newspaper and interned at Morning Brew, where she contributed to emerging tech and marketing newsletters.

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