Trade Trade

Chinese, Egyptian glass-fiber fabrics face high tariffs at EU borders

By Poppy Carnell
  • 06 Mar 2020 07:56
  • 06 Mar 2020 07:56
Glass-fiber fabrics from Egypt will face up to 17.4 percent in countervailing duties at EU borders, despite concerns of subsidies from Beijing and not Cairo, in an unprecedented antisubsidy case showing that Chinese government-aided companies operating abroad can still face punitive tariffs, MLex has learned. 
The same goods coming from China

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Poppy Carnell

Chief Correspondent

Poppy has been reporting for MLex since 2008, providing the latest coverage and in-depth analysis on various EU regulation. Since 2012 she has broken stories and given comment on trade defense matters, trade and investment agreements and commercial policy. Previously, she was reporting on energy policy and climate change negotiations.

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