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Comment: US Supreme Court ruling in environmental case could hinder FTC push for more rulemaking powers

By Michael Acton and Amy Miller
  • 30 Jun 2022 23:17
  • 30 Jun 2022 23:17
The US Supreme Court sent a clear signal today that it's ready to slap down federal agencies if they exceed a narrow reading of the authority granted to them by Congress, issuing a ruling that threatens the US Federal Trade Commission’s plan to craft new rules protecting privacy and competition.

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Michael Acton

Senior Correspondent

Michael is a senior correspondent for MLex in San Francisco, where he moved in 2020 after working in our Brussels bureau. Before joining MLex, he reported on EU politics as the Financial Times’ Nico Colchester Fellow in Brussels. Michael has a degree in International Relations and Politics from the University of Cambridge, and a degree in History and French from University College London and Paris IV Sorbonne.

Amy Miller

Senior Correspondent

Amy is responsible for the coverage of an array of regulatory and litigation issues pertaining to the Internet, including privacy, data security and antitrust. Formerly a legal reporter for the ALM media group, Miller has closely followed legal trends in Silicon Valley and covered corporate legal departments for online and print publications including The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel, and The Recorder. Miller is a graduate of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and is an award-winning journalist with expertise ranging from education and legal reporting to computer-assisted reporting.

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