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Comment: UK’s SVB resolution advances both sides of the argument on banks' ring fencing

By Fiona Maxwell
  • 14 Mar 2023 14:58
  • 14 Mar 2023 14:58
As the UK considers its next steps on bank separation rules, the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank will vindicate those pushing for the regime to stay in its existing form — but will also do the opposite.
On the one hand, the collapse of a mid-sized bank that had to be

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Fiona Maxwell

Senior Correspondent

Fiona Maxwell is a financial services senior correspondent at MLex in London. She began her career as a reporter for, writing about EU post-crisis regulation, and later worked for POLITICO in Brussels, covering the intersect between financial policy and politics. Prior to joining MLex, Fiona worked at the Bank of England as a policy adviser in the prudential policy directorate.

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