Mergers & Acquisitions Mergers & Acquisitions

Comment: Competition law not a priority for India as government fails to appoint new CCI chief

By Freny Patel
  • 06 Jan 2023 06:33
  • 06 Jan 2023 06:33
Less than three weeks before the three-month term of the acting chairperson ends, there is still no announcement on who will head the Indian antitrust authority.
With the critical position remaining vacant for more than two months, many members of the legal fraternity have concluded that competition law is not

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Freny Patel


Freny has been covering antitrust law, M&A and regulations for over a decade, serving as Asia editor at Policy and Regulatory Report. Prior to joining as an editor at Mergermarket, she headed the banking bureau of a leading Indian financial daily, Business Standard. When India privatized the insurance sector, she had her own column in The Observer.

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