Financial Crime Financial Crime

Comment: Companies ignoring UK's bribery law get reminder of risks from Coke bottler's case

By Martin Coyle
  • 28 Apr 2022 10:30
  • 28 Apr 2022 10:29
A recent case involving contractors to a company bottling drinks for Coca-Cola gives a rare real-life example of how a business that ignores the UK Bribery Act may end up punished in court.

Earlier this month, fines totaling 640,000 pounds ($800,000) were meted out for failures under Section 7 of th

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Martin Coyle

Senior Correspondent

Martin Coyle is a senior correspondent, based in MLex's London office, reporting daily on bribery and corruption issues in the UK and Europe. Previously he was a senior editor at Thomson Reuters where he covered anti-money laundering, financial crime and regulatory enforcement issues. Prior to that he was editor of The Accountant, the world's oldest accounting publication, and International Accounting Bulletin, a bi-monthly business journal owned by Lafferty.

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